Thursday 10 August 2017

Nifty intraday trading system afl

Hari ini saya memposting Amibroker AFL untuk perdagangan Intraday dapat digunakan untuk Nifty dan juga Liquid Stocks. Saya sudah mendapatkannya dari sebuah forum dari Internet. Aku benar-benar tidak tahu siapa pengarangnya. Tapi itu terdiri dari banyak coding. Sistem Perdagangan Intraday Untuk Nifty dan Saham: - Memberikan Automatic Buy and Sell Sinyal, Sasaran dan Stoploss tidak diberikan. Sehingga bisa digunakan seperti Sistem Perdagangan SAR (Stop and Reverse) berarti Anda harus membalik posisi saat pemicu sinyal berlawanan. Saya belum melakukan tes selama berhari-hari tapi memberi sinyal bagus di pasar tren dan Volatile untuk menghasilkan keuntungan yang baik. Interval waktu yang disarankan: - 5 Min, atau 15 Min Heiken Ashi yang digunakan, NMA juga digunakan di dalamnya, Profil Pasar juga menggunakan begitu banyak kode dalam satu AFL. Dengan Sistem ini sekali sinyal datang tidak akan hilang seperti banyak sistem lainnya. Selalu tunggu lilin 5 menit selesai dan Anda bisa mencoba untuk mendapatkan harga murah dari pada harga sinyal. Anda dapat melakukan Customizations Anda sendiri. Uji sebelum digunakan. Ingat tidak ada grail suci. Diperbarui 11-Jan-2012: - Magnified Market Price Added. Untuk Membaca Lebih Lanjut, AFL dan Indikator, Amibroker, Sistem Perdagangan Intraday, Sistem Perdagangan Nifty, Sistem Perdagangan Saham 0 comments: Poskan Komentar Komentar Anda dan Sedikit kata membantu saya dalam MELAKUKAN KERJA YANG LEBIH BAIK. Anda juga bisa menerima Free Email Updates: Menerima Pembaruan Gratis Man Behind TraderAdda SAM. Graduate in Science adalah blogger paruh waktu dan Full Time Professional Trader dari India. Di TraderAdda dia menulis tentang Sistem Perdagangan, Indikator Amibroker dan AFL, Ebooks Trading, Sumber Daya Perdagangan, Tingkat Intraday yang bagus, Pandangan Posisi Nifty, dan banyak lagi Sumber Daya Perdagangan lainnya. Bidang minatnya adalah Technical Analysis, Developing Trading Strategies, Blogging, Gadgets and Reading. Berharap Anda akan menemukan TraderAdda berguna. Komentar Anda Saran AjukanFeedback penting bagi kami. Total Tayangan Laman Dilindungi Situs-Jangan Salin Trader Adda Sumber Daya Trading Ultimate 2011-12 Trader Adda Sumber Daya Trading Ultimate. Artikel tidak dapat direproduksi tanpa izin dari penulis. Mengagumi AFL untuk NIFTY Intraday Trading Amazing AFL untuk Intraday Trading NIFTY Saya telah menemukan dari pencarian google tapi saya tidak tahu bagaimana menggunakannya, panduan Pleques Senior PleasgetSEXBURIN (kuota Diffquot) T26 KMA ((C - MA (C, T)) MA (C, T)) 100 Grafik0KMA Graph0Style24 Graph0BarColorIIf (KMAgt0,5,4) GraphXSpace5 SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartOptions (0, baganShowArrowschartShowDates) Plot (C, quotClosequot, ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorBlack) (Parameter indeks) Parameter hasil (Parameter kuota) (Parameter kuota) (Parameter kuota) (Parameter kuota) (parameter kuadrat) , -1) Periode Param (quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 300, 1, 10) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotMACD Explorationquot) r1 Param (quotFast avgquot, 12, 2, 200, 1) r2 Param (quotSlow avgquot, 26, 2 , 200, 1) r3 Param (quotSignal avgquot, 9, 2, 200, 1) ZPa (Zig (C, z), - 4) Beli Cond1 dan Cond3 Cond6 Zig (C, z) ltRef (Zig (C, z) , -4) Jual Cond4 AND Cond6 Trigger WriteIf (Beli, quotBuyquot, quotquot) WriteIf (Jual, quotSellquot, quotquot) BG IIf (Beli, colorPaleGreen, IIf (Sell, colorRose, colorDefault)) FG IIf (Buy, colorDarkGreen, IIf Sell, colorDarkRed, colorDefault)) jika (Status (quotactionquot) actionIndicator) Plot (C, quotquot, colorGrey50, styleBar) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeCircle, shapeNone), colorBlue, 0, L, Offset-60) PlotShapes (IIf Jual, shapeCircle, shapeNone), colorBlue, 0, H, Offset-30) Filter Beli ATAU Jual SetOption (quotNoDefaultColumnsquot, True) AddTextColumn (Nama (), quotSymbolquot, 77, FG, BG, 120) AddColumn (DateTime (), quotDatequot , FormatDateTime, FG, BG, 100) AddColumn (TimeNum (), quotTimequot, 1) AddColumn (C, quotClosequot, 1.3) AddColumn (H, quotHighquot, 1.3) AddColumn (V, quotVolumequot) AddColumn (Ref (V, -1) , QuotP-Volquot) AddColumn (VRef (V, -1) 100, quotIncrease in Volquot) AddColumn (Beli, QuotBuyquot, 1) AddColumn (Sell, quotSellquot, 1) shape Buy shapeHollowUpTriangle Sell shapeHollowDownTriangle PlotShapes (bentuk, IIf (Beli, warnaBlue, colorBlue), 0f, IIf (Beli, Rendah, Tinggi) GraphXSpace 7 SECTIONEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotEMA3quot) P ParamField (quotPrice fieldquot, -1) Parameter Periode (quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 300, 1, 10) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotBackground textquot) C13Param (quotfontsquot, 20,10,30,1) C14Param (quotleft-rightquot, C15Param (quotup-downquot, 12,1,20,1) Status Miny (quotaxisminyquot) Status Maxy (kuotaxismaxyquot) lvb Status (quotlastvisiblebarquot) fvb Status (quotfirstvisiblebarquot) Status pxwidth (quotpxwidthquot) pxheight Status (quotpxwidthquot) pxheight Status (quotlxvisiblebarquot) QuotfxSetBkMode (transparent1) GfxSetOverlayMode (1) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) C13) GfxSetTextAlign (6) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (217,217,213)) GfxTextOut (Nama (), Status (quotpxwidthquot) C14, Status (quotpxheightquot) C15) GfxSelectFont (QuotTahomaquot, Status (Quotpxheightquot) C130.5) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (103,103,103)) GfxTextOut (quotAJEET SINGHquot, Status (quotpxwidthquot) C14, Status (quotpxheightquot) C152.5) ​​GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) C130.5) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (103.103.103 )) GfxTextOut (quotmr. ajeetsinghyahooquot, Status (quotpxwidthquot) C14, Status (quotpxheightquot) C154) GfxSelectFont (tanda kutip Sans Serifquot, 10, 500, False, False, 0) Tahap kedua dimulai Disini File: Bagan BHS SECTIONBEGIN (quotTradingquot) SetChartBkColor ( ParamColor (quotOhow panel warna quot, colorLightYellow)) SetChartBkColor (ParamColor (quotBackGround Colorquot, colorBlack)) pShowtradeLines ParamToggle (quotShow Trade Linesquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) pShowMarkers ParamToggle (quotShow Markersquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) synchParamToggle (quotSynchronize buyshort with foreign indexquot, quotNoYesquot , 1) VolminParam (quotVolume minimumquot, 5000,0,10000000,50) VolmaxParam (quotVolume maximumquot, 1000000,0,10000000,50) hargaRLParam (quotPrice Ran Ge Minquot, 150,1,20000,1) hargaRHParam (quotPrice Range Maxquot, 3000,1,20000,1) PercChangeminParam (quotPercentage Ubah Min setquot, -25, -100, 100, 0,1) PercChangemaxParam (quotPercentage Change Max setquot, 25 , -100, 100, 0,1) PerctakeProfitParam (quotTake Profit Persen Setquot, 0.6,0.3,30,0,1) PercStoplossParam (quotStopLoss Percent Setquot, 0.25,0.2,5,0.1) PlotOHLC (Terbuka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup, Kuotot, WarnaWhite , StyleCa ndle) Bar 0 xpdh 90 PlotRange (TimeNum () gt 85500 DAN TimeNum () lt 153500) AND (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) FHRange (TimeNum () gt 085500 DAN TimeNum () lt 093000) DAN ( DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) FHPrices FHMarker FHRange Tinggi BarSince (FHRangegt0) NumBars 36000 Interval (1) TimeFrameSet (inDaily) TOP Buka PDH Ref Ref (Tinggi, -1) PDL Ref (Rendah, -1) PDO Ref (Open TimeFrameRestore () isAll True isRth TimeNum () gt 085400 AND TimeNum () lt 093000 isdRth TimeNum () gt 085400 AND TimeNum () lt 160000 aRthL IIf (isRth), (1) PDRR Ref (Tutup, -1) PDM (PDHPDL) 2 TimeFrameRestore () isAll True isRth TimeNum , L, 1000000) aRthH IIf (adalah DRth, H, Null) aRthLd IIf (isdRth, L, 1000000) TOP TimeFrameExpand (TOP, inDaily, expandFirst) PDH TimeFrameExpand (PDH, inDaily, expandFirst) PDL TimeFrameExpand (PDL, inDaily, expandFirst) PDO TimeFrameExpand (PDO, inDaily, expandFirst ) PDC TimeFrameExpand (PDC, inDaily, expandFirst) PDM TimeFrameExpand (PDM, inDaily, expandFirst) FHH Ref (HHV (HighFHRange, NumBars), - FHMarker) FHL TimeFrameCompress (aRthL, inDaily, compressLow) FHL TimeFrameExpand (FHL, inDaily, expandFirst) DayH TimeFrameCompress (aRthH, inDaily, compressHigh) DayH TimeFrameExpand (DayH, inDaily, expandFirst) DayL TimeFrameCompress (aRthLd, inDaily, compressLow) DayL TimeFrameExpand (DayL, inDaily, expandFirst) AIIf ((FC4ltFC1PDH0.005), FC1,0) BIIf ( (FC4ltFC2PDH0.005 DAN FC4gtFC1PDH0.005), FC2,0) Clxxf ((FC4ltFC3 dan FC4gtFC2PDH0.005), FC3,0) AF (ABCl) foreign SECTIONBEGIN (quotforeign index bar graphquot) VrParamList (quotIndexquot, Daftar quotNSEI, NSEBANK, CNXIT , NSMIDCP, RELIANCE. NS, SBIN. N Squot, 0) SetForeign (Vr) HaC (OHLC) 4 Ha (Ha, Max), HaL (H, Max (HaC, HaO)) HaL Min (L, Min (HaC, HaO)) BG3HHV (LLV (HaL, 4) ATR (4) 8) BR3LLV (HHV (HaH, 4) - ATR (4), 8) co IIf (HacgtBG3, colorBrightGreen, IIf (Hac lt BR3, colorRed, colorGrey50)) Plot (4, quotquot, Co, styleAreastyleOwnScale styleNoLabel, -1, 100) RestorePriceArrays () SECTIONEND () BuyPrice (DayLAF) BuyTP1 (BuyPrice (BuyPrice (PerctakeProfit100))) BuyTP2 (CgtBuyTP1) SellPrice (DayH-AF) SellTP1 (SellPrice - (SellPrice PerctakeProfit100))) SellTP2 (CltSellTP1) percchange (C-TOP) TOP) 100) Vol (VgtVolmin DAN VltVolmax) Persentase (percchangegtPercChangemin DAN percchangeltPercChangemax) prc (CgtpriceRL AND CltpriceRH) BuyStop1 (BuyPrice - (BuyPrice (PercStoploss100)) BuyStop2IIf ((BuyStop1ltSellPrice) DAN SellPriceltBuyPrice, SellPrice, BuyStop1) SellStop1 (SellPrice (SellPrice (PercStoploss100))) SellStop2IIf ((SellStop1gtBuyPrice) DAN SellPriceltBuyPrice, BuyPrice, SellStop1) BuyStop1f ((Beli dan TIDAK BuyTP2), BuyStop2, Null) BuybonIIf (Beli DAN TIDAK BuyStop, BuyTP2, Null) Bar Bars Karena (TimeNum () gt 85400 AND TimeNum () lt 092900) x0 BarCount-LastValue (Bar) x1 BarCount-1 TOPLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (TOP), x1, LastValue (TOP), 0) PDHLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDH), x1, LastValue (PDH), 0) PDLLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDL), x1, LastValue (PDL), 0) PDCLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDC), x1, LastValue (PDC), 0 ) PDMLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDM), x1, LastValue (PDM), 0) FHHLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (FHH), x1, LastValue (FHH), 0) FHLLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (FHL), x1 , BuyVideLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyPrice), 0) BuyStoplineLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyStop2), x1, La stValue (BuyStop2), 0) BuyTPlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyTP1), x1, LastVa lue (BuyTP1), 0) SellPricelineLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellPrice), x1, LastValue (SellPrice), 0) SellStoplineLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellStop2), x1, LastValue (SellStop2), 0 ) SellTPlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellTP1), x1, Nilai Terakhir (SellTP1), 0) DayHlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (DayH), x1, LastValue (DayH), 0) DayLlineLineArr Ay (x0, LastValue (DayL), x1, LastValue (DayL), 0) Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, BuyStopline, Null), quotBuySto pquot, colorBrightGreen, styleDotsstyleNoRescale styleNoLine) Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, SellPriceline, Null), quotShor t Herequot, colorRed, styleDotsstyleNoRescale) PlotShapes (IIf (pShowMarkers AND Buy, shapeHollowUpArrow, Null), colorDarkGreen, 0, L, Offset-30) if (Status (quotactionquot) actionIndicator) (Judul EncodeColor (colorWhite) quotTrading Systemquot quot - quot Nama ) Quot - quot EncodeColor (colorYellow) Interval (2) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - quot Date () quot - quot EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot-OpenquotWriteVal (O, 1) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - Tinggi quot WriteVal (H, 1 ) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - Low quot WriteVal (L, 1) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - Tutuplah kutipan WriteVal (C, 1) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - Vol quot WriteVal (V, 1) (quotnquot) WriteIf (Percchange, Klik Ubah quot (Percchange) quot quot quot kuotot) Sebelumnya DayHighquotWriteVal (PDH, 1) quot, Sebelumnya Da YLowquotWriteVal (PDL, 1) quot, Today HighquotWriteVal (DayH, 1) quot, Todays LowquotWriteVal (DayL, 1) WriteIf (HacgtBG3, EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) quotUp quot, WriteIf (HacltBR3, EncodeColor (colorRed) quot-Downquot, EncodeColor (colorLightYellow ) Quot gtquot Flat gtquot))) GfxSetOverlayMode (mode 0) GfxSelectPen (colorLightBlue, 3) GfxSelectSolidBrush (colorLightYellow) GfxRoundRect (20, 55, 180, 175, 15, 15) GfxSetBkMode (1) GfxSelectFont (quotArialquot, 10, 700, False) GfxSetTextColor (colorBrown) GfxSetTextAlign (0) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellPrice, quotTRP level: quot (SellPrice), quotquot), 30, 60) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (BuyPrice, quotBuy Di atas: quot (BuyPrice), quotquot), 30, 75) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (BuyStop2, quotLong SL: quot (BuyStop2), quotquot), 30, 90) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (BuyTP1. QuotLong Target 1: quot (BuyTP1), quotquot), 30, 105) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellPrice, quotSell Below: quot (SellPrice), quotquot), 30, 120) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellStop2, quotShort SL: quot (SellStop2) , Quotquot), 30, 135) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellTP1, quotShort Target: quot (SellTP1), quotquot), 30, 150) AddColumn (V, quotVolumequot, 1.0) AddColumn (Percchange, quotChange quot, 1.2) AddColumn (BuyPrice, QuotCuy atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (BuyStop, quotBuy Stop atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (BuyTP1, quotBuy Profit atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (SellPrice, quotShort atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (SellTP1, quotShort profit atquot, 1.2) SECTIONBEGIN (quotshort signalquot) HaClose (OHLC) 4 HaOpen AMA (Ref (HaClose, -1), 0,5) HaHigh Max (H, Max (HaClose, HaOpen)) HaLow Min (L, Min (HaClose, HaOpen)) BG2HHV (LLV (Rendah, 4) ATR (4), 8) BR2LLV (HHV (Tinggi, 4) - ATR (4), 8) SetBarFillColor (IIf (O ltC, colorSeaGreen, colorOrange)) k Optimalkan (quotKquot, Param (quotKquot, 1.75,1,5,0.25 ), 1,5,0.25) Per Optimalkan (kuotrot, Param (quotatrquot, 10,3,30,1), 3,30,1) jHaClo Se nm (HL) rfsctor WMA (nm, PER) membalikkan K rfsctor Trend 1 NW0 0 untuk (i 1 i lt BarCount i) if (Trendi-1 1) if (ji lt NWi-1) Paling -1 NWi ji Reversi else Paling Trendi 1 if (ji - Reversi) gt NWi-1) NWi ji - Reversi else NWi NWi-1 if (Paling-1 -1) if (ji gt NWi-1) Paling Trendi NWi ji - Reversi else Trendi -1 if ((Ji Reversi) NWI-1) NWi ji Reversi NWi NWI-1 Plot lainnya (NW, quotquot, IIf (Trend 1, 6, 4), 4) BuyCross (j, nw) ShortCross (nw, j) SellCross SellExRem (Jual, Beli) ShortExRem (Pendek, Tutup) CoverExRem (Cover, Short) dist 1.5ATR (15) untuk (i 0 i lt BarCount i) if (n, jw, jw) (Buyi) PlotText (quotBuyquot O i, i, L i - Trendi, colorDarkBlue, colorYellow) if (Selli) PlotText (quotSellquot H i, i-4, L i Trendi, colorRed, colorYellow) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeUpArrow, ShapeNone), colorWhite, 0, halow, -30) PlotShapes (IIf (Jual, shapeHollowDownangle, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, hahigh, -15) PlotShapes (IIf (Cover, shapeHollowUpTriangle, shapeNone), col AtauWhite, 0, halow, -15) PlotShapes (IIf (Pendek, bentukDownArrow, shapeNone), warnaWhite, 0, hahigh, -30) ----------- akhir --------- ----- Re: Amazing AFL untuk NIFTY Intraday Trading Silakan cek dengan ini, sekarang bekerja SECTIONBEGIN (kuota Diffquot) T26 KMA ((C-MA (C, T)) MA (C, T)) 100 Graph0KMA Graph0Style24 Graph0BarColorIIf KMAgt0,5,4) GraphXSpace5 SECTIONBEGIN (quotPricequot) SetChartOptions (0, baganShowArrowschartShowDates) Plot (C, quotClosequot, ParamColor (quotColorquot, colorBlack), styleNoTitle ParamStyle (quotStylequot) GetPriceStyle ()) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotZIG-ZAGquot) P ParamField (QuotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 300, 1, 10) SECTIONEND (quot changequot, 5,0.1,25,0.1) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotEMAquot) P ParamField (quotPrice fieldquot, -1) Parameter Periode (2) 200, 1) r3 Param (quotSignal avgquot, 9, 2, 200, 1) ZParam (quotServer avgquot, 12, 2, 200, 1) r2 Param (Quotzigquot, 1,0,10, 0.1) Cond3 Zig (C, z) gtRef (Zig (C, z), - 4) Beli Cond1 dan Cond3 Cond6 Zig (C, z) ltRef (Zig (C, z), - 4) Jual Cond4 dan Cond6 Trigger WriteIf (Beli, quotBuyquot, quotquot) WriteIf (Jual, quotSellquot, quotquot) BG IIf (Beli, colorPaleGreen, IIf (Sell, colorRose, colorDefault)) FG IIf (Beli, colorDarkGreen, IIf (Sell, colorDarkRed, colorDefault)) if (Status (Quotactionquot) actionIndicator) Plot (C, quotquot, colorGrey50, styleBar) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeCircle, shapeNone), colorBlue, 0, L, Offset-60) PlotShapes (IIf (Sell, shapeCircle, shapeNone), colorBlue, 0 , H, Offset-30) Filter Beli ATAU Beli SetOption (quotNoDefaultColumnsquot, True) AddTextColumn (Nama (), quotSymbolquot, 77, FG, BG, 120) AddColumn (DateTime (), quotDatequot, formatDateTime, FG, BG, 100) AddColumn (TimeNum (), quotTimequot, 1) AddColumn (C, quotClosequot, 1.3) AddColumn (H, quotHighquot, 1.3) AddColumn (V, quotVolumequot) AddColumn (Ref (V, -1), quotP-Volquot) AddColumn (VRef (V , -1) 100, quotIncrease in Volquot) AddColumn (Beli, quotBuyquot, 1) AddCo Lonceng (Jual, quotSellquot, 1) shape Buy shapeHollowUpTriangle Sell shapeHollowDownTriangle PlotShapes (bentuk, IIf (Beli, warnaBlue, colorBlue), 0, IIf (Beli, Rendah, Tinggi) GraphXSpace 7 SECTIONEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotEMA3quot) P ParamField (quotPrice Fieldquot, -1) Parameter Periode (quotPeriodsquot, 15, 2, 300, 1, 10) BAGIANEND () SECTIONBEGIN (quotBackground textquot) C13Param (quotfontsquot, 20,10,30,1) C14Param (quotleft-rightquot,, C15Param (quotup-downquot, 12,1,20,1) Status Miny (kuotaxisminyquot) Status Maxy (kuotaxismaxyquot) lvb Status (quotlastvisiblebarquot) fvb Status (quotfirstvisiblebarquot) Status pxwidth (quotpxwidthquot) pxheight Status (quotpxheightquot) GfxSetBkMode ( Transparan1) GfxSetOverlayMode (1) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) C13) GfxSetTextAlign (6) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (217,217,213)) GfxTextOut (Nama (), Status (quotpxwidthquot) C14, Status (quotpxheightquot) C15) GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, Status (Quotpxheightquot) C130. 5) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (103,103,103)) GfxTextOut (quotAJEET SINGHquot, Status (quotpxwidthquot) C14, Status (quotpxheightquot) C152.5) ​​GfxSelectFont (quotTahomaquot, Status (quotpxheightquot) C130.5) GfxSetTextColor (ColorRGB (103,103,103)) GfxTextOut (quotmr. ajeetsinghyahooquot, Status (quotpxwidthquot) C14, Status (quotpxheightquot) C154) GfxSelectFont (tanda kutip Sans Serifquot, 10, 500, False, False, 0) Tahap kedua dimulai Disini File: Bagan BHS SECTIONBEGIN (quotTradingquot) SetChartBkColor (ParamColor (warna panel depan QuotSoSquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) synchParamToggle (quotSynchronize buyshort with foreign indexquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) VolminParam (quotShow Markersquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) synchParamToggle (quotSynchronize buyshort dengan indexquot asing, quotNoYesquot, 1) VolminParam (quotShow Markerquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) synchParamToggle (quotSynchronize buyshort with foreign indexquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) VolminParam (quotShow Markerquot, quotNoYesquot, 1) pShowMadeer ParamToggle QuotVolume minimumquot, 5000,0,10000000,50) VolmaxParam (quotVolume maksimumquot, 1000000,0,10000000,50) hargaRLParam (kisaran harga kisaran Minquot, 150,1,20000, 1) priceRHParam (quotPrice Range Maxquot, 3000,1,20000,1) PercChangeminParam (quotPercentage Change Min setquot, -25, -100, 100, 0,1) PercChangemaxParam (quotPercentage Ubah Max setquot, 25, -100, 100, 0,1) PerctakeProfitParam (QuotTake Profit Persen Setquot, 0.6,0.3,30,0,1) PercStoplossParam (quotStopLoss Percent Setquot, 0.25,0.2,5,0.1) PlotOHLC (Buka, Tinggi, Rendah, Tutup, Kuotot, WarnaWhite, gayaCa ndle) Bar 0 xpdh 90 PlotRange (TimeNum () gt 85500 AND TimeNum () lt 153500) AND (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) FHRange (TimeNum () gt 085500 dan TimeNum () lt 093000) DAN (DateNum () LastValue (DateNum ()) ) FHPrices FHMarker FHRown Tinggi BarSince (FHRangegt0) NumBars 36000 Interval (1) TimeFrameSet (inDaily) TOP Open PDH Ref (Tinggi, -1) PDL Ref (Rendah, -1) PDO Ref (Open, -1) PDC Ref (Tutup, -1) PDM (PDHPDL) 2 TimeFrameRestore () isAll True isRth TimeNum () gt 085400 AND TimeNum () lt 093000 isdRth TimeNum () gt 085400 DAN TimeNum () lt 160000 aRthL IIf (isRth, L, 1000000) aRthH IIf (isthRth , H, Null) aRthLd PDF TimeFrameExpand (PDD, inDaily, expandFirst) PDL TimeFrameExpand (PDL, inDaily, expandFirst) PDO TimeFrameExpand (PDO, inDaily, expandPertama) PDC TimeFrameExpand (PDC, inDaily , ExpandFirst) PDM TimeFrameExpand (PDM, inDaily, expandFirst) FHH Ref (HHV (HighFHRange, NumBars), - FHMarker) FHL TimeFrameCompress (aRthL, inDaily, compressLow) FHL TimeFrameExpand (FHL, inDaily, expandFirst) DayH TimeFrameCompress (aRthH, inDaily, KompresHigh) DayH TimeFrameExpand (DayH, inDaily, expandPertama) DayL TimeFrameCompress (aRthLd, inDaily, compressLow) DayL TimeFrameExpand (DayL, inDaily, expandFirst) AIIf ((FC4ltFC1PDH0.005), FC1,0) BIIf ((FC4ltFC2PDH0.005 DAN FC4gtFC1PDH0. 005), FC2,0) Clestaf ((FC4ltFC3 dan FC4gtFC2PDH0.005), FC3,0) AF (ABCl) foreign SECTIONBEGIN (quotforeign index bar graphquot) VrParamList (quotIndexquot, daftar quotNSEI, NSEBANK, CNXIT, NSMIDCP, RELIANCE. NS, SB IN. N Squot, 0) SetForeign (Vr) HaC (OHLC) 4 HaO AMA (Ref (HaC, -1) , 0,5) HaH Max (H, Max (HaC, HaO)) HaL Min (L, Min (HaC, HaO)) BG3HHV (LLV (HaL, 4) ATR (4), 8) BR3LLV (HHV (HaH, 4) - CRR (4), 8) co IIf (HacgtBG3, colorBrightGreen, IIf DayLAF) BuyTP1 (BuyPrice (BuyPrice (PerctakeProfit100))) BuyTP2 (CgtBuyTP1) SellPrice (DayH-AF) SellTP1 (SellPrice - (SellPrice (PerctakeProfit100))) SellTP2 (CltSellTP1) percchange (((C-TOP) TOP) 100) Vol. (BeliRupiah) dan SellPriceltBuyPrice, SellPrice, BuyStop1) SellStop1 (SellPrice (SellPrice (PercStoploss100))) BuyStop1 (BuyStop1ltSellPrice) and SellPriceltBuyPrice, SellPrice, BuyStop1) SellStop1 (SellPrice (SellPrice (PercStoploss100))) BeliStop1 (BuyPlay - SellStop2IIf (SellStop1gtBuyPrice) DAN SellPriceltBuyPrice, BuyPrice, SellStop1) BuyStopIIf (Beli dan TIDAK BuyTP2), BuyStop2, Null) BuyTPIIf (Beli DAN TIDAK BuyStop, BuyTP2, Null) Bar BarsSince (TimeNum () gt 854 00 AND TimeNum () lt 092900) x0 BarCount-LastValue (Bar) x1 BarCount-1 TOPLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (TOP), x1, LastValue (TOP), 0) PDHLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDH), x1, LastValue (PDC), x1, LastValue (PDC), 0) PDML LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDL), 0, PDN, LastValue (PDL), 0) PDCLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (PDL) LastValue (PDM), x1, LastValue (PDM), 0) FHHLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (FHH), x1, LastValue (FHH), 0) FHLLine LineArray (x0, LastValue (FHL), x1, LastValue (FHL) 0) BuyPlaylineLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyPrice), x1, L astValue (BuyPrice), 0) BuyStoplineLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyStop2), x1, La stValue (BuyStop2), 0) BuyTPlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (BuyTP1), x1 , SellVideLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellStop2), 0) SellTPlineLineArray (x0, LastValue, SellVideLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellP1), 0) SellPlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (SellPrice), x1, LastValue (SellPrice), 0) SellStoplineLineArray (SellTP1), x1, Nilai Terakhir (SellTP1), 0) DayHlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (DayH), x1, LastValue (DayH), 0) DayLlineLineArray (x0, LastValue (DayL), X1, LastValue (DayL), 0) Plot (IIf (pShowtradeLines, BuyStopline, Null), quotBuySto pquot, colorBrightGreen, styleDotsstyleNoRescale styleNoLine) Plot (IIX (pShowtradeLines, SellPriceline, Null), quotShor t Herequot, colorRed, styleDotsstyleNoRescale) PlotShapes (IIf (PShowMarker AND Buy, shapeHollowUpArrow, Null), colorDarkGreen, 0, L, Offset-30) if (Status (quotactionquot) actionIndicator) (Judul EncodeColor (colorWhite) quotTrading Systemquot quot - quot Nama () quot - quot EncodeColor (colorYellow) Interval (2) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - quot Tanggal () quot - quot EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot-OpenquotWriteVal (O, 1) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - High quot WriteVal (H, 1) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - Low quot WriteVal (L, 1) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - Tutup quot WriteVal (C, 1) EncodeColor (colorYellow) quot - Vol quot WriteVal (V, 1) (quotnquot) WriteIf (Percchange, quot Change quot (Percchange) quot quot, Kuotot) Sebelumnya DayHighquotWriteVal (PDH, 1) quot, Sebelumnya DayLowquotWriteVal (PDL, 1 ) Quot, Today HighquotWriteVal (DayH, 1) quot, Todays LowquotWriteVal (DayL, 1) WriteIf (HacgtBG3, EncodeColor (colorBrightGreen) quotUp quot, TulisIf (HacltBR3, EncodeColor (colorRed) quot-Downquot, EncodeColor (colorLightYellow) quot gtquot datar datar) )) GfxSetOverlayMode (mode 0) GfxSelectPen (colorLightBlue, 3) GfxSelectSolidBrush (colorLightYellow) GfxRoundRect (20, 55, 180, 175, 15, 15) GfxSetBkMode (1) GfxSelectFont (quotArialquot, 10, 700, False) GfxSetTextColor (warnaBrown) GfxSetTextAlign (0) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellPrice, quotTRP level: quot (SellPrice), quotquot), 30, 60) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (BuyPrice, quotBuy Di atas: quot (BuyPrice), quotquot), 30, 75) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (BuyStop2 , QuotLong SL: quot (BuyStop2), quotquot), 30, 90) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (BuyTP1. QuotLong Target 1: quot (BuyTP1), quotquot), 30, 105) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellPrice, quotSell Below: quot (SellPrice), quotquot), 30, 120) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellStop2, quotShort SL: quot (SellStop2) , Quotquot), 30, 135) GfxTextOut (WriteIf (SellTP1, quotShort Target: quot (SellTP1), quotquot), 30, 150) AddColumn (V, quotVolumequot, 1.0) AddColumn (Percchange, quotChange quot, 1.2) AddColumn (BuyPrice, QuotCuy atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (BuyStop, quotBuy Stop atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (BuyTP1, quotBuy Profit atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (SellPrice, quotShort atquot, 1.2) AddColumn (SellTP1, quotShort profit atquot, 1.2) SECTIONBEGIN (quotshort signalquot) HaClose (OHLC) 4 HaOpen AMA (Ref (HaClose, -1), 0,5) HaHigh Max (H, Max (HaClose, HaOpen)) HaLow Min (L, Min (HaClose, HaOpen)) BG2HHV (LLV (Rendah, 4) ATR (4), 8) BR2LLV (HHV (Tinggi, 4) - ATR (4), 8) SetBarFillColor (IIf (O ltC, colorSeaGreen, colorOrange)) k Optimalkan (quotKquot, Param (quotKquot, 1.75,1,5,0.25 ), 1,5,0.25) Per Optimalkan (kuotrot, Param (quotatrquot, 10,3,30,1), 3,30,1) jHaClo Se nm (HL) rfsctor WMA (nm, PER) membalikkan K rfsctor Trend 1 NW0 0 untuk (i 1 i lt BarCount i) if (Trendi-1 1) if (ji lt NWi-1) Paling -1 NWi ji Reversi else Paling Trendi 1 if (ji - Reversi) gt NWi-1) NWi ji - Reversi else NWi NWi-1 if (Paling-1 -1) if (ji gt NWi-1) Paling Trendi NWi ji - Reversi else Trendi -1 if ((Ji Reversi) NWI-1) NWi ji Reversi NWi NWI-1 Plot lainnya (NW, quotquot, IIf (Trend 1, 6, 4), 4) BuyCross (j, nw) ShortCross (nw, j) SellCross SellExRem (Jual, Beli) ShortExRem (Pendek, Tutup) CoverExRem (Cover, Short) dist 1.5ATR (15) untuk (i 0 i lt BarCount i) if (n, jw, jw) (Buyi) PlotText (quotBuyquot O i, i, L i - Trendi, colorDarkBlue, colorYellow) if (Selli) PlotText (quotSellquot H i, i-4, L i Trendi, colorRed, colorYellow) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeUpArrow, ShapeNone), colorWhite, 0, halow, -30) PlotShapes (IIf (Jual, shapeHollowDownangle, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0, hahigh, -15) PlotShapes (IIf (Cover, shapeHollowUpTriangle, shapeNone), col AtauWhite, 0, halow, -15) PlotShapes (IIf (Pendek, bentukDownArrow, shapeNone), warnaWhite, 0, hahigh, -30) ----------- akhir --------- ----- Intraday afl Untuk grafik 5 menit dengan akurasi 80 bentuk yang teruji Buy shapeUpArrow Sell shapeDownArrow PlotShapes (bentuk, IIf (Buy, colorGreen, colorRed), 0, IIf (Beli, Rendah, Tinggi)) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, ShapeSquare, shapeNone), colorGreen, 0, L, Offset-10) PlotShapes (IIf (Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorLime, 0, L, Offset-20) PlotShapes (IIf (Beli, bentukUpArrow, shapeNone), colorWhite, 0 , L, Offset-15) PlotShapes (IIf (Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorRed, 0, H, Offset20) PlotShapes (IIf (Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone), colorOrange, 0, H, Offset30) PlotShapes (Jual WriteIf (s, EXIT semua posisi pendek atau posisi perdagangan yang panjang, masukkan lama Sekarang-nOR pada harga pasar pada hari esok Buka dengan stopEncodeColor (4) WriteVal (L.75ATR (5), 1.4) ,,) WriteIf (ss, keluar dari semua posisi long hari ini dengan Market On Close (MOC) ordernor di pasar pri Ce pada hari esok Buka dengan stopEncodeColor (4) WriteVal (Ref (H.75ATR (5), -1), 1.4) ,,) WriteIf (sss, no trading signal today.) Untuk (i 0 i lt BarCount i) PlotText (NBuy: L i nT (Li1.005) nSL (Li0.9975), i, L i - disti, colorGreen, colorWhite) PlotText (Jual: H i nT (Hi0.995) nSL (Hi1.0025), saya, H i dist1i, colorRed, colorWhite) Filter s ATAU sss ATAU sss AddColumn (IIf (s, 66,1), beli, formatChar, 1, bkcolor IIf (s, colorYellow, colorPink)) AddColumn (IIf (Ss, 83,1 ), Jual, formatChar, 1, bkcolor IIf (Ss, colorPink, colorWhite)) AddColumn (IIf (sss, 87,1), tunggu, formatChar, 1, bkcolor IIf (sss, colorYellow, colorRed)) Penafian NiftyPundit tidak akan Bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan, kerugian langsung atau tidak langsung, konsekuensial atau insidentil apapun yang timbul dari penggunaan informasi oleh siapapun yang disebutkan di manapun di situs ini. Situs ini dan informasi yang tercakup di sini adalah untuk tujuan informasi umum saja dan bukan merupakan penawaran untuk menjual atau mengajukan permintaan untuk membeli jasa keamanan atau penasehat atau manajemen perdagangan yang dijelaskan di sini. Para penulis mungkin atau mungkin tidak melakukan perdagangan efek-efek tersebut. Salin NIFTYPUNDIT 2017. SEMUA HAK DIPERLUKAN

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